use ssh with keychain on macOS sierra

Since macOS sierra ssh not automaticly use the the passhrase from the keychain. You have to configure ssh to use the keychain to lookup the passhrase. In this snippet from my ~/ssh/config I enable the keychain with UseKeychain yes. The AddKeysToAgent yes line load the key by the frist use in the ssh agent. With IdentityFile I added my two ssh keys. Host * UseKeychain yes AddKeysToAgent yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa IdentityFile ~/. [Read More]
ssh  macOS  sierra 

hijack a xsession

In this actricle I will describe how to hijack a X session from a diffrent user. So you are able to start X application in a diffrent user session, maybe open an browser window on the screen. For this method you will probelly need root access on the mashine where the X session is running you want to hijack. X11 security model The X11 security model is preety simple. You only have to know two diffrent things to connect to the Xserver. [Read More]
X  hack  hijack  Xsession 


I often need timestamp on the commandline or in scripts to save files with the exact time. In the shell you can easy get a unix timestamp when you enter the following command: date +%s You can now simple save a mysqldump from with the exact time in the filename. mysqldump DATABSE > DATABASE-`date +%s`.sql Also you are able to create a bash/zsh alias for the timestamp. Just put the follwing line in your shell configuration: [Read More]

add extra swap space

Why i need swap Swap is space on the hard disk to where the operating system can store data the does not fit on in the memory any more. The Swap Space is part of the virtual memory. Every time when the system runs out of memory, the operating system begins the write the old and not often used part from memory to the swap pace on the hard drive. [Read More]
swap  extra  space 

unlock an active directory user

in common active directory enviorment the user account will be locked after some failed login attempt. This is a security mechamisen against brute-force attack to find out the account password. Often this is to secure for the users so they will lock their useraccount by her self. It is a common admin task to free the user. The way over the default windows mmc take often much time. But it is quite simple to script the unlock process. [Read More]