get local macadress

Hi guys, in my job i sometimes need to know the MAC adresse of an local device. Sometimes you need to look in the invertory but this is always some pain. so I got the cool way and you arp the get the mac adresse from devices in a local network. ARP the address resolotion protocol is used in IPv4 to get the mac address for an IP address so you can send data to the device in a boadcast domain. [Read More]
macadress  IP  arp 

package from which yum repo

Last week i have a problem with yum, i want so see what packages are include in a repository. This is not easy with yum, so i will share the trick here. You simple need the following commandline. yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="$REPO" list available This tell yum to disable all repositories and only enable that one you want to know and list alle packages for this repository. With the following command yum will show you all os it’s repos: [Read More]